Tips for Photographing Your Properties

Showcasing the best photos of a property online is an important tool in generating results and increasing the interest of the end user. It is the first thing that a potential renter or buyers sees and greatly affects the decision to close a deal or not. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when taking pictures of your properties:

1. Use Natural Lighting:

The most important thing is to showcase how the sun reflects inside the property, as using natural sunlight is the best way to do this. It will also show the true color and shade of the property as well.

2. Plan to Shoot Every Room and all Focal Points:

It’s important to include all the rooms and areas of the property, including the bathroom, kitchen and entrance. If the property has added amenities, like a swimming pool or gym, make sure you add those too.

3. Highlight Unique Features:

While you certainly must include all the rooms in the home, you should also try and highlight any special or unique features that the property has, such as a balcony, skylight, big garden, etc.…

4. Choose different angles:

To showcase the property as much as possible, you need to show as much of the room as you can. This can be done by taking the picture from an angle, and by including two walls in the picture only for a wider shot.

5. Clean your lens!

These days, most phone cameras can be used to take high quality pictures, but, as simple as it sounds, cleaning the lens of your camera will do wonders for your photos!

6. Remove The Clutter:

Removing the clutter around and inside the property first step that you should take when taking photos!

7. Pay Attention to Detail:

This is especially important when the property is furnished. Make sure that the cushions are straightened out, the carpet is clean and that the property is in tip-top shape. If it’s in the picture, then someone will be seeing it!

8. Don’t Over Edit:

Photo editing is part of photography and while polishing the photos slightly is okay, make sure you don’t go overboard and change colors, shades and details in the home.

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