Secrets to an Organized Fridge

There’s nothing quite like a clean organized fridge to take center stage in your kitchen! As one of the most used appliances in the home, it can also get a little disorderly.

Here are a few secrets to an organized fridge:

Lower Shelves:
This is the coldest part in your fridge, and so items that need to stay cool are best placed here. This includes, dairy products and different types of meats.

Upper Shelves:
This part is the most consistent when it comes to temperature, so it’s ideal for food or items that do not need to be cooked. Leftovers, beverages and ready meals can all be stored on the upper shelves.


Did you know that the door is the warmest part of your fridge? Remember than when you place items there; juice, condiments and pickles work well here.

Keep it Cool:

To prevent bacteria from growing, try and keep your fridge temperature between 0ºC and 4ºC.

Empty and Clean out:

Once a month, take the time to empty and clean the entire fridge and its contents. Make it sparkle and then rearrange the food and items that you have for an organized fridge.

First In, First Out:
Use this system and don’t let food go to waste! This will help with foods whose expiration dates are approaching.

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